What to Post BEFORE Your Book is Published

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Promote your book BEFORE it’s published.

So many authors make the mistake of waiting until their book is published before talking about it and promoting it. But who says you have to wait until it's a fully baked literary delight? You might wonder what you can even post about your book before it’s done. It might seem like there’s a fine line between giving away too much and giving enough to entice readers. Rest assured, there is a way to begin building anticipation and growing your audience before your book is released. Let’s look at how we can promote a book before it’s published.


We live in a super-connected world where readers want to know who YOU are. When they feel like they can relate to you, they get even more excited about the things you’re working on.

You mean my new BFF is publishing a book soon?! I can’t wait! I’m so on it! (Thanks, parasocial relationships!)

So post a bit about your life. No, you don’t have to go full-tilt influencer! Share whatever you’re comfortable with. What are you reading right now? What does your favorite pair of fuzzy socks look like? What’s the view from your favorite writing spot? What are YOU reading right now? And literally nobody never wants to see a picture of your pet! Bring on the fur babies!

These pictures and posts don’t have to be stunning or perfect- people are kind of burned out on perfection, they want REAL LIFE. Remember, it's not about being an influencer; it's about building a connection.

Behind-the-Scenes and Creative Inspiration

Take your readers on a journey behind the curtain. What's your writing space like? What inspires you? Share the quirky rituals and the delightful chaos that fuels your creativity. Whether it's a cluttered desk, a playlist that's a mix of Mozart and heavy metal, or the magical mug that holds your writing potion (coffee, obviously), these little tidbits create a connection that goes beyond the words on the page.

Probably my favorite things to share are the little tidbits I collect to keep me inspired while I’m writing. This goes for both fiction and nonfiction alike. It could be research you’re doing to back up your points (nonfiction) or period details to enrich your story (fiction). Or it could be quotes or public figures that are, for whatever reason, really adding fuel to your fire as you write!

If you’re anything like me, each of your books has its own mood board. I create one on Pinterest, I might create a little something fancy on Canva, and I might even print some things out to hang around my desk. My oldest child downloaded a really cool notebook app that allows them to create multi-page notebooks with notes and pictures that bring their characters to life, and I think that would be an awesome thing to share! Little snapshots of these sorts of things will help bring to life your vision long before your audience can hold the book in their hands.

Know Your People

Dive deep into understanding who your readers are. What keeps them up at night? What makes them laugh until they snort their latte out of their nose? Tailor your posts to resonate with them. This isn't just about your book; it's about creating a community that eagerly awaits your literary gems. So, throw on your detective hat, grab a magnifying glass, and get to know your people!

When you know who they are, you will know how to talk to them. You will know how to craft posts easily and effortlessly because you’ll know what will be attractive to them.

What’s the Prob, Bob?

If you know who your audience is, then you know what they want.

If you're writing nonfiction, you're in the business of solving problems. What's the itch your readers can't stop scratching? Dive into the nitty-gritty of their pain points. Offer them a taste of the solution. What prompts can you give them to begin exploring this problem and their dreams to have this problem vanish for good? How can you show them your intention is to be their personal demon slayer and vanquish their baddies?

You might be worried that you’ll give away the farm for free on accident by doing this, but I’m willing to bet you’re way more inventive than you’re giving yourself credit for right now. Do a little Google search on your topic, have a chat with AI, and ask it to bounce ideas around with you. Talk to an advisor or biz bestie. You’ll come up with a lot, I’d wager.

If you’re writing fiction, you know there are certain expectations that go along with each genre. What does your reader crave? What can you tease them with? I can’t recommend Theodora Taylor’s excellent book series on Universal Butter. If you’re a fiction writer, you need at least her first book on it! Using the principles of universal fantasies, you can create tiny vignettes into your story until readers are positively salivating for the release day!

Know what they want, and sock it to ‘em, baby!

There you have it, a quick list of things I hope gave you a little inspiration. Try to have a little fun here, experiment a bit. Happy posting!