Crafting Visionary Narratives for Revolutionary Thought Leaders

For years I've surrounded myself with powerful, creative women who show up on social media every day and share their genius with the world. They're the changemakers. The paradigm shifters. The ones who forged their own path and did things their own way.

These powerful women have a message to share and they could shake the Earth to it's core- if only they had the time to spread their message even further. If only they could finally write that legacy book, or series of books, that would reach a wider audience and open endless doors of opportunity for them.

That's where I come in.

The Mission

To gather the stories, proprietary methods, and innovative perspectives of Rockstar entrepreneurs and turn it into un-put-downable books that readers will devour and then beg for more. To end the phrase, "I'll write a book someday" and make that day TODAY. To eradicate the barriers between innovative creators and their published work. And to elevate the voices of the women who will change countless lives through their own mission.

The Vision

I envision a world where busy business owners are able to take more time for themselves. Where scaling their business and multiplying their impact doesn't equal greater and greater sacrifices. A world where visionaries have the space to be in creation and flow, even while quantum leaping in ways they scarcely dared to dream of.

I've always wanted to be a little bit of everything when I grew up. Becoming a writer just made sense.

As a ghostwriter, I get to try on all the different hats:

One day, I'm writing as a marketing expert teaching stay-at-home moms how to market the business they're about to launch.

The next day I get to write as a Spiritual Coach teaching empathic seekers how to navigate life with their gift.

And the next day I might slip into the shoes of the CEO of a multi-million dollar company who wants to inspire women who came from backgrounds as poverty-stricken as her own how to beat all the odds.

My special gift has always been in reframing things for folks so they can see just how inspiring, powerful, and magical they really are.