With 15 years of experience writing professionally + for pleasure, I have a wide range of experience with the written word. Throughout my career, I have successfully produced various types of content, including SEO-optimized blog posts, articles for magazines, engaging website copy, persuasive landing pages, captivating social media posts, descriptive catalog descriptions, and even enchanting spells.

These days my main focus is on delivering exceptional ghostwritten blogs, articles, and books that not only elevate my clients' business but also enhance their authority + credibility in their industry.

Imagine the moment you hold your published book in your hands...

Running your fingers over the glossy cover, knowing the pages contain your unique expertise.

And you know the next networking event will be an entirely different experience. Instead of swapping lackluster business cards neither of you will even glance at again, you get to say the magic words-

"Actually, I wrote a book on the topic. I'd love to send you a copy."

The increased authority and allure is something you'll feel acutely- and revel in seeing it in the eyes of the people around you.

My services are designed to empower female entrepreneurs to build authority and create new avenues of opportunity through publishing a book or series of books. I offer personalized ghostwriting services that save you time and help you work smarter to achieve your goals.


Words cannot begin to describe the confidence boost when I saw my name printed on the cover of my book! So many unexpected opportunities started falling into my lap when I started promoting it, this was the best investment I made this year.

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