Apply To Work With Me

The nature of ghostwriting limits me to working with just a few clients at a time, so the application process helps me understand your needs before we ever even speak. This helps me prepare appropriate questions and it gives me a better idea of when I'll be able to begin work for you.

It also helps me determine if we will be a good fit to work together. In the event I don't think we're a good match, or if I'm unavailable, I have a large network of fellow ghosts I'll be able to refer you to.

Check out the ghostwriting options I offer below, and fill out the Google Form Here or head over the the contact page with any questions.

Your Legacy Book

Books that are the standard, accepted page length are considered "legacy books." These books have more meat than a client attraction book and go more in depth on your topic. These types of books are crafted to increase your authority factor, bring in royalties from book sales, as well as attract new clients.

Strategic Client Attraction Book

This book is generally no more than 150 pages and is strategically crafted to magnetize your ideal clients to you. It's sold at "easy yes" prices and frequently given away for free because the point isn't to earn money in book sales, but rather to become a client attraction asset. A value-packed client attraction book can also land you new opportunities and increase your authority factor.

Blog Posts and Articles

Whoever claimed "blogs are dead," simply isn't paying attention. Having a regularly published blog increases your authority and gives you a safe place to post your value packed content that you don't have to worry about getting locked out of or heaven forbid, deleted.

$5k- $12k




If you've already started writing your book or just need help getting the outline done, you might benefit from a consultation. Sometimes that's all you need to quiet that nagging, doubting voice in your head or kick writer's block right in the butt. These are usually a combination of a call, voice messages and email, to help you blast through your block and finish your book.


Sometimes all you need is a second set of eyes on your work to make sure it's as polished as it can be. We all miss our own mistakes and even AI programs miss things or don't catch nuance.

Done-With-You Book Coaching

This is an ongoing consultation package where I help you hone in on the purpose of your book, draft the outline, and coach you through writing the book yourself. It means having answers to your questions, a seasoned set of eyes on your work, a sounding board when you're confused, and the accountability to keep you going.


$500/45,000 words


A Word About My Prices

You'll notice I list a price range for most of my services. My preferred method of determining cost is on a per project basis. Few things interrupt the flow of ideas like having to nickel and dime someone over word count or changing scope. I want to write the best book or blog post I possibly can for you, without having to cut out good stuff or adding fluff. While we can have a goal to aim for with the word count, we don't want to be locked into it.

Then there's the matter of research. How much will I have to do? How many hours of podcasts or course videos will I listen to in order to collect content for your book? I don't want to have to track that and bill you for it and I certainly don't want you to get surprised with what that number ends up looking like, so I factor that in when determining the price.

To get a better idea of what you'll need to budget for, we'd have to have a chat so that I can understand your needs and expectations. You can fill out the application with no obligation to hire me, or you can always contact me and we'll discuss it further.